Your car’s air conditioning in Alaska
Your Car’s heat in Alaska
Final Word

Your car’s air conditioning in Alaska
Just like most places, Alaska can get pretty warm in the summer. In Alaska, the average summer temperatures range from sixty to eighty degrees depending on where you are exactly. So, you might not use your air conditioning in your car as often as you would somewhere else, but you can bet you will need it for at least a few weeks each year.
So, you should be sure that you get your air conditioning serviced and checked for leaks each year before the weather gets too warm. If you do not you might have to end up spending some warm days in your car with only the windows open. Although, there are several things that you can do throughout the year to ensure that your vehicle’s A/C keeps running well.
The first is that you should run the air conditioning in your car each week for at least ten minutes and that does include during the winter. Doing this will help keep the compressors working and running correctly. Next, you should run the defrost mode for a few minutes each week in order to get rid of any excess moisture which can lead to mildew.
Your Car’s heat in Alaska
The heat in your car In Alaska bears much more of an importance than your air conditioning does because of the potential for extremely cold temperatures during the winter. This is the exact reason why you need to make absolute certain that your heat is running well before the cold Alaskan winter hits.
The first thing you will need to do is make sure that there is enough coolant in the engine. The coolant will all the heater’s core to function correctly, so check frequently and make sure that there is enough of it. Next, you might have leaks. You can check this yourself if you know what you are doing. Finally, you should always keep your eye on the heater’s thermostat. If you happen to notice that the thermostat’s temperature never changes, even when you know the temperature of the engine has, you might need to replace it.
Of course, all of the above can easily be checked by a mechanic. If you do use a mechanic, be sure you get these things checked at least once each year.
Final Word
The air conditioning and heat in your car are essential to your comfort and, sometimes, to your safety. You cannot just glide by assuming that your heat and A/C will function great forever. There are several small tasks that you can complete or have a mechanic complete that will greatly extend the proper performance of both.
If you need your car shipped to or from Alaska you can always get a free shipping quote and learn more right here.