The potential for a rear-end collision
How icy and snowy conditions complicate things
Final word

The potential for a rear-end collision
When you “stop-short” or slam on your brakes without warning, you greatly decrease the amount of reaction time that any drivers behind you will have to react to you stopping which may render them unable to stop themselves in time. This can easily lead to them colliding with the rear-end of your car. You likely will not be at fault (although you could be if the driver has a running dash cam) but it will still be very inconvenient for you to be unable to drive your car for several days while it gets repaired.
You should always do whatever you can to come to a gradual stop rather than slamming on your brakes. Sometimes, this will be unavoidable, especially in Alaska. For example, if you have an animal such as a deer or moose run out into the road in front of you, you might not have any choice but to stop-short. In terms of gradually braking, you can gently ease into your brake pedal instead of pressing it quick and hard when circumstance will allow it. You should also always remain completely focused on the road ahead of you as well as always keep a safe distance between you and any vehicles in front of you.
How icy and snowy conditions complicate things
Snowy and icy conditions, which are a possibility the majority of the year on many of Alaska’s roads, can greatly increase how dangerous it is to stop-short with someone driving behind you. Believe it or not, when roads are icy, it will take you between two and eight times the distance than it normally would to come to a complete stop on dry pavement. In these types of conditions, it is even more critically important that you give yourself extra space to stop as well as to travel at lower speeds.
Final word
When you stop-short you greatly increase the chance that someone will hit your car from behind you. In most cases, you will not be held liable for the damage to your car or theirs since they had full view of your vehicle the entire time. However, as a result of being hit from behind, you will likely end up without your car for several days as the necessary repairs are made. In order to keep the potential of having to stop-short as low as possible, you should always pay full attention to the road ahead of you, never drive too closely to any cars ahead of you, keep your speeds low and, in icy or snowy conditions, increase your overall caution even more. Learn about the difference that Alaska Car Transport makes when we ship a vehicle for you!