Driving during the winter in Alaska
The pre-winter checklist for driving in Alaska
Advice for driving safely in the winter

Driving during the winter in Alaska
Driving in Alaska during the winter can be fairly difficult at times because the weather conditions can get pretty treacherous at times. Winter will be here before you know it so you should really start thinking about winterizing your vehicle now.
In the more southern parts of Alaska, driving during the winter is pretty similar to driving in during the winter in other northern states. However, further north the driving can be very difficult to the point that roads can be impassable at times.
It is important to always keep any eye on the forecast so that you do not end up getting caught out on the road in the middle of a bad storm. However, you should always be prepared just in case you do encounter some nasty weather and/or roads that are full of snow and ice.
Preparing for the winter roads in Alaska will entail several things such as having a roadmap so you can check for alternate routes, having winter driving supplies such as an ice scrapper, and more. Although, the best thing that you can do to prepare for winter driving in Alaska is to winterize your car.
The pre-winter checklist for driving in Alaska
- Get winter tires – Winter tires will really help make life easier when you are driving on snowy and icy roads. They handle much better with much better traction so it isn’t likely that you will end up getting stuck with these tires.
- Get or make a winter safety kit – You never know what might happen out on the road during inclement weather in the winter. You could easily end up in a jam. So, assemble the following and throw it in a compact and durable box that closes:
- Flashlight
- First aid kit
- Water
- Gloves
- Snacks
- Get some winter windshield wipers – Your ability to drive can be completely paralyzed if your wipers aren’t functioning properly during a winter storm. Make sure that
- Make sure the engine is in good shape – This should be an objective of yours year-round, but this especially holds true in the winter. Be sure that
- Make sure you maintain the right tire pressure – This is another thing that you should keep up with throughout the year but is at its highest importance in the winter. That is because is colder temperatures tires lose their pressure much more easily than they do during warmer weather. Tires will low pressure are prone to
- Make sure that your regular headlights and brights are working properly – This is critically important to being able to see the road during winter weather conditions. Conversely, it is also important so that other drivers will be able to see you out on the road in the winter.
Advice for driving safely in the winter
Driving on the ice or in the snow is no easy task but often times it is necessary, especially when you live in an area like Alaska where winter driving conditions are to be expected for a large portion of the year. The most important thing is to stay off the road during any really bad weather.
There are the obvious things like driving slowly and keeping extra distance between you and the car in front of you. Then there are the less obvious pieces of advice such as breaking. When it comes to breaking many people make the mistake of slamming on their breaks. In reality, the way that you should break in the snow and ice is to do so gradually. You should do this by taking your foot off of the acceleration well ahead of your desired stopping point then when you get close, you can ease into the actual break without having to slam on it.
The only time that you will want to speed up a bit is if you are approaching a hill or incline in the road. It is better to approach these with some inertia rather than trying to climb the hill without any momentum which could result in you sliding back down the hill before you reach the top.
You should also always check your tailpipe to make sure that it is not clogged with any snow. Any time your tail pipe is clogged or blocked, you risk having dangerous gases fill the car.
Navigating the roads in Alaska during the winter can be difficult but if you make sure that your vehicle is prepared by winterizing it, then you will be set up for success and safety during your drive. Remember, that if you ever need your car shipped to Alaska, you can call us anytime.